The Radical Publishing train has just left the station and is rapidly gaining steam. So much so that they've got some new titles hitting stores in January that you might be interested in, one of which revives Aladdin.
Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost #1 you've got the timeless hero of Agrabah (at least, there's where he's from in the Disney version of the movie). Written by Ian Edginton and featuring art by Patrick Reilly and Stjepan Sejic, the story is as follows. Aladdin has fallen under the eye of the sorcerer Qassim, a sorcerer who has spent his life searching for the Dreaming Jewel. Why in the world would a sorcerer be looking for something like that you ask?
The jewel will allow Maugrah to steal the magic of the Dijinn of the Lamp and allow him to reshape the world in his image. Of course, he needs the blood of Aladdin because of it's mystical ability and Aladdin doesn't even know that his O Negative (note: this is Omnicomic's speculation) is so powerful.
The book will hit stores in January 2010 for $4.99 and 64 pages. You'll be able to get one of three covers, one by Marko Djurdjevic, one by Arthur Suydam and one by Clayton Crain. The Crain one is a magical 1:10 incentive cover that you may need a genie to get a hold of.
Check the other covers below.
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