It's that time again time to fill you guys in with the happenings of
Kill Audio, the incredibly unique and trippy comic book experience. This unique story set in a world seemingly based on music with a set of characters that are completely unique really grew on me as I read, reread and then read one last time the first issue. Want a quick summary of what happened? Perhaps I’ll try to sum up Boom!’s four line summary.
Kill Audio cannot die and is on a quest to find out what his purpose in life is. The Fixler, his mortal enemy, has attempted to murder him three times by stabbing, drowning and shotgun blasting him in the head. His companions on this journey include a cracked out chicken, a skeleton with a beaver costume and a talking pillow that has a mean arm throwing a basketball. His guidance has come from a dual bodied and minded girl, and he now finds himself in the Tower talking to Clockwork, a similar figure to The Wizard in
The Wizard of Oz, only twisted.
I’m hooked on the weirdness of this comic. Read on to learn about the next tripped out issue of Kill Audio.
We open with a mystery character with a mohawk, spiked fingerless gloves and some superman shorts with high boots messing with what looks like a mouth shaped jukebox, complete with teeth. Yeah, I have no idea what the hell is going on either. He is meeting with a kid that has a mini-studio in a garage or something to find out about someone messing with his family.
The kid in glasses begins to sing a song and the Mohawk wearing guy straight out of Brutal Legend (if you’ve played it) says to get to the point. Apparently the missing family member is some emo kid, and the amusing dialogue plays off of all the reasons why this isn’t a stunt for attention. At this point Kill Audio and his band of misfits blast through the window.
The kid with the studio and glasses apparently dual-wields swords, and throw one while screaming DnD references. Kill Audio takes a sword square in the chest while Mohawk guy makes a break for it. Kill Audio is back up again and the kid is down after a bizarre battle that I’m not going to attempt to describe. He has some audio tape weapon that attaches to his belt, and apparently it doesn’t like being so close to his crotch. The tape absorbs the kid, leaving only a token for The Void behind. Since Kill Audio is trying to save the music, maybe the kid was playing really bad music and had to be stopped.
The crew returns to Clockwork at the Tower and they discuss The Void, apparently the most important part of the world. It was a place where creativity in all the various arts went to be contained and controlled. Kill Audio is apparently Music in the foursome, but he looked different then. His brothers and sisters were Art, Dance and Writ. To be honest, I’m still figuring out some of this stuff, and in the interest of getting this review out, if you want to learn more go pick it up. Apparently the belt is a tool to collect genres of music and store them for approval to be granted creativity.
With that Kill Audio begins indexing the music and trying to figure out how many genres there are while the pillow and the beaver skeleton contemplate whether or not they can combat the thing they love, or are they just getting it under control and keeping it in line? Music that is. As all this is happening, we jump to The Bitches Brew, a bar where some unsavory figures seem to have taken an interest in our friend the skeleton. I’d love to guess what happens next, but that would just be silly.
The story here has a Matrix feel to it. It is so rooted in Music Metaphor that I’m worried it could just go too far and lose me. If The Matrix had been just one movie, and the sequels had never come out, it would be considered much more of a cult classic. I really, really enjoy Kill Audio so far, but I can easily see it getting to heady for me. You absolutely have to read these things a few times to fully appreciate everything that is going wrong.
This issue still featured fun humor, the same cool black, white, and red inking and unique artwork, and a compelling if not confusing story. There is so much potential here but I worry that it is going to lose me. If you like completely trippy and unique comics that I guarantee you haven’t seen before, you need to pick this up on shelves. Every character represents some genre of music, and it is a lot of fun to figure out what is going on. We’ll just have to see how it continues to develop and if the story makes any sense at all after a few more issues. Happy reading!
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