The Hidden S shares his favorite holiday gifts with you...
For the Fanboy Archival Nerd
The Batman Vault
Running Press has hit fanboy gold yet again with The Batman Vault, which is a treasure trove in a box for the comic and (especially Dark Knight) fan. The collection is dense with great stuff including sketches, a "make-your- own Batplane" toy and other great ephemera spanning the long, compacted history of the greatest creation in DC (and maybe comics) history.
For the fanboy with fetish issues (in other words all of you)
I don't know if Zatanna is a great superhero, but with her sexy fishnets and masculine top hat she is without a doubt the most sexually charged figure and fetish object in mainstream comics (sorry Selina Kyle, Power Girl and Wonder Woman). The just about to be released statue of Zatanna as part of the "Cover Girls of the DC Universe" is itself a perfect fetish object of the great fetish object. Bravo DC Direct! I say Bravo!
And by the way are you looking for a good fetish object? You could do worse than Batwoman, a character who has recently had a re-boot and is an integral part of the DC Universe (at least for now). The just about to be released Batwoman and Commissioner Gordon statue is a great slice of unique Superhero gift giving. The statue, part of a larger four part statue is a rare representation of a great character re-born and a stalwart regular guy in the Batman family. Great conversation piece for the Batfan who is interested in the entirety of the family Batman. the hipster fanboy...
As is usual, Marvel is out in front with new technology and the site has a fully loaded"storefront" of hip comic goodies. Just a couple of the many highlights are the Captain America Adult Costume T-Shirt which replicates the famous red, white and blue of the Marvel icon (24.95 plus S&H).
Marvel Shop
Also of note is the Iron Man 2 exclusive Glowing Repulsor T -shirt which reproduces the glowing arc reactor the Tony Stark wears on his chest. Of special note is the detailing on the shirt which contains glitter that represents the shrapnel that is being held back by the reactor on Stark's chest.(19.95 plus S&H)
Marvel ShopFor the fanboy who has it all...
Just in time for the MOMA's blockbuster and well-received Tim Buron retrospective (doesn't that make you feel old?!) is this nice stocking stuffer a set of Tim Burton playing cards "overseen and approved" by the man himself (a bargain at 4.95 plus S&H). and/or a fanboy icon, Bruce Campbell is closer to a fanboy deity at this point in the game and he has the idol representation to prove it. Bruce Campbell is available in the way that the good Lord always intended: As a twelve inch plastic action figure of himself (actually of his persona from the film My Name is Bruce).
This great little action figure includes miniature "angel" and "devil" versions of Bruce which are magnetic and allow them to perch on his shoulders. What else? A shotgun, a miniature version of his autobiography and a bottle of whiskey. As the great Stan Lee said "'Nuff said.'" (59.99 plus S&H) or
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