Review - 28 Days Later #4

When we last left our intrepid rage journalists they had narrowly made it to the docks where Clint’s friend picked them up to try and transport them across the quarantine line. Selena has wielded her blade with deadly efficiency, even dispatching of one of the crew members that was bitten. While that caused a rift in the group everyone seems to have come to terms with the fact that the guy was bitten…it was over for him. While our adventurers have encountered some rage infected people, they still haven’t gotten to the heart of the matter. After what little they’ve already seen, I’m starting to realize that I’m not sure what the point of them going in is. Sure, they want to expose what's happening, but really don’t people know? Is the cover-up that great? I’m also starting to wonder if Selena has other reasons for tagging along, because there is no way in hell you’d get me to ride voluntarily back into this mess. Of course at the moment, with a small fleet of navy ships bearing down on them, crossing the quarantine line might be a moot point. Read on to see what develops in issue 4 of Boom! Studios 28 Days Later. Clint and the captain begin the issue discussing what the best course of action is: respond to the communication request from the naval ships or make a run for it. Clint doesn’t want to get boarded, but Captain Harlan doesn’t owe him enough to chance running and losing his boat all together if they are caught. Meanwhile on deck Selena suggests that they put on life jackets in order to look a little more like defenseless victims rather then journalists trying to beach a military quarantine. As they go in between some islands and prepare to make landfall it appears that the fleet is turning back. Just when everyone starts to relax Clint turns and sees the fighter jet bearing down on them. Just like with their helicopter everything ends with a flash and an explosion. Suddenly we are greeted with a brief glimpse of the life Selena used to have. She is in the basement of her house in knee deep water. A man enters the room and convinces her that it will be okay and the flood isn’t that bad. He tries to escort her out of the water because it is freezing but she trips and falls…and emerges next to a burning boat back in the present. Even if it was a brief glimpse, I am curious what more we may learn about her past this issue. As Selena swims to find someone, anyone, she stumbles onto Trina. She yells out her name and swims quickly over to her, only to find that Trina is half the woman she once was…literally. She stumbles onto Derrick who has cuts all over his face and can’t see. He is understandably terrified to be swimming in water when he can’t see where he is going. Finally Derrick and Selena find Clint and they begin to make their way to shore. They narrowly avoid a search party and finally find some shelter from the wind. As Selena helps clean Derrick up she tells him that his eyes are just shocked from the explosion and that they’ll recover. Later while walking with Clint she tells him the truth, Derrick’s eyes are done. They need a plan and fast…welcome to Scotland! So no infected in this one, but they are down to a team of three with one gun, a machete, a blind guy and only 1,000 kilometers to London. At least the countryside seems peaceful! A quick review, but not much happened in this issue. I’m a little surprised that they killed off everyone in the whole crew in a boat accident. I guess that goes to show you, in a world where the zombie apocalypse has happened, don’t forget about the more traditional killers like a military hellbent on a cover up! This was a good issue to set us up for the home stretch but somehow I don’t see anyone getting out of this alive. In fact I’m not sure they’ll make it through the night…
