New series from Boom! Studios
Update: Boom! Studios has confirmed that Mr. Jackson is writing a series for the publisher (alongside Eric Calderon and with art by Jeremy Rock). Called Cold Space #1 (right next to Dead Space I'm sure), an on-the-run outlaw lands on a hostile planet on the brink of civil war and finds himself in the middle. Because it's a war, there's money to be made. No word on release date but know $3.99 for 32 pages.
That image is all Chip Mosher at Boom! Studios felt content with sending out this fine morn. I think it's pretty obvious who it is (Manuel L. Johnson as Rick Mury of course...wait; you mean it's actually Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury? I was way off!), but Boom! Studios could have a trick or two up their sleves.
Stay tuned.
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