Tony Stark is an Apple Fan

When Iron Man was first created way back in 1963, Stan Lee no doubt never thought that the billionaire playboy in a fully automated suit would be possible. What's more, Tony Stark's personal assistant JARVIS was even less likely. Stan Lee obviously didn't know about Chad Barraford.

Barraford has created his own form of JARVIS in his Boston apartment at Coolidge Corner. The automated assistant readily tells him the weather, his current Netflix discs at home (Couples Retreat and Surrogates) and dims the lights when he has a migraine. It even manages to activate the George Foreman grill to perfectly cook a hot dog. And it all runs on a Mac Mini.

So far he's spent $691.98 on the entire setup. No word as to whether he has a lab in the basement of the apartment building. My guess is no, considering the apartments in Coolidge Corner are about the size of closets. Check out the video of the setup in action after the jump.
