A three day weekend is always a joyful thing for many reasons. One such reason is it brings new comics day closer without a day of work to get in the way. Glancing over the list it didn’t take long for me to determine my pick for this week as the subject matter is about a TV show that was cancelled way before its time about a captain and his crew of misfits casting about the universe doing what they can to make a living.
You've no doubt heard of
Firefly the TV series and the movie
Serenity (if not go watch them both now you won’t regret it). Now one of the characters has gotten a spotlight series of his own called
Serenity: Float Out #1.
This new series gives us a look at the pilot Wash, the man responsible for piloting the Serenity out of the many hairy situations it found itself in, doing what he does best. Float Out brings to the Firefly universe three new stories about Wash in a run of smuggling raids, each different in their own accord that bring along either a daring rescue or a nailbiter of an escape. From writer Patton Oswalt and Dark Horse Comics this one-shot series is going to take you deeper into the Serenity universe involving what the future could hold for our favorite Browncoats.
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