Review - Fly #1-3

Every now and then a comic comes out that puts a newer spin on how superpowers can come about in people and what consequences that might carry. What if I told you there was a new drug out there that could give you a whole new high by letting you fly? I think most people would want to give that a try. I could imagine one little catch though: drug users aren’t always the people with the best moral compass. Would you be able to pass up on all the bad things possible with superpowers? Let’s just say you'll get a good look at superpowered people that are not so super in Fly. I have a feeling that Fly is going to be one exciting and horrific – at least for some of the people in this title – ride.

The story follows current and past Eddie Patron with the acts of his youth come together with the consequences of the future. Unfortunately for Eddie his decisions seem to be coming back to haunt him. His childhood friend Francis and former wife Danielle also seem to be intertwined in the events that are slowly spinning out of control. We're also introduced to some mysterious villains that seem to have truly devastating powers and a personal grudge that connects them to our main trio of characters.

I've always liked stories told through present day and flashback sequences intertwined together. It gives you the opportunity to mix in action with character development without feeling like the story is stalling. The action here is plentiful and pretty crazy. Just in case you think flying – when you aren’t doing it I suppose – is boring, let me assure you that I have a feeling the drug will end up allowing more than just that.

Raven Gregory has created a world where superheroes don’t seem to mind crossing the line to being evil and Zenescope is more than happy to produce it for us. Through three issues I already sympathize for Eddie and the predicament he has found himself in. It usually takes me a little longer than that to get connected to a character. He faces some truly powerful foes from his checkered past and broken present life. He is the hero, but that doesn’t mean he is necessarily a “good” guy.

Eric J's artwork appropriately matches the raw emotion many of the characters seem to display, while Michael Garcia and Nei Ruffino do a great job with the colors. The artwork does a great job of conveying the emotional state of the various characters, and also makes it pretty convincing when they are suffering some cruel and unusual punishment.

I’m impressed with this title about drug induced superpowers gone bad. Fly is coming out in June so keep your eyes peeled until then as there are some seriously talented people working on it and I think it will provide a different and entertaining twist to the other superpower titles out there.
