Aspen Comics at C2E2

C2E2 might be on track to replace Wizard World in the hearts and minds of Chicagoans as the premiere annual comic convention. Whether or not that happens is up for debate, but in the meantime this year Aspen Comics will be there in all their Aspen glory. They've got a lot on tap.

Aspen will be launching the latest volume of Soulfire with all sorts of variant covers. There will be a rare sketch cover of Soulfire Volume Three #0 limited to 500 copies and limited edition variants of Fathom, Soulfire, Lady Mechanika, Executive Assistant Iris and more. There will also be one-of-a-kind Michael Turner original artwork for sale all weekend long. Talent on hand will be creators Frank Mastromauro, Joe Benitez, Jason Fabok and Alex Konat at the Aspen Comics booth #820 to meet with fans, sign autographs and draw sketches.

Full press release and covers after the jump.

Aspen Unveils All-New Soulfire Volume at C2E2

Aspen Comics is geared up to kick off the convention season at this year’s C2E2 by launching the latest volume of Michael Turner’s Soulfire at this year’s show. Creators Frank Mastromauro (Dellec, Shrugged), Joe Benitez (Lady Mechanika, Soulfire), Jason Fabok (Soulfire) and Alex Konat (Fathom, Mindfield) will be on hand all weekend long at the Aspen Comics booth #820 to meet with fans, sign autographs and draw sketches. Aspen is marking the appearance with a special Soulfire Volume Three #0 cover released exclusively for C2E2, only available at the Aspen Comics Booth.

The rare sketch cover of Soulfire Volume Three #0, written by red-hot writer J.T. Krul and featuring artwork by newcomer Jason Fabok along with John Starr, will be available for purchase all weekend long at the Aspen Booth and features a brand new Grace sketch cover by series artist Fabok, and is limited to 500 copies. Fabok will also be available at the Aspen Booth throughout the weekend to sign copies of the recently-released and sold out Soulfire #0.

In addition to the launch of Soulfire, Aspen will also be selling limited edition variants of their most popular titles including Fathom, Soulfire, Lady Mechanika, Executive Assistant Iris and more. The Aspen Booth will also be the only stop for the latest series of their industry-leading line of art prints featuring Aspen’s best cover images. Aspen will also be offering one-of-a-kind Michael Turner original artwork for sale all weekend long.

For more information on Aspen Comics please check, and for more information on C2E2, please check
