Dream Eater Incentive Covers
Dream Eater is Zenescope's first major stab at a universe consolidating event. The first issue will ship with a ton of different covers, including a Battle Royal Wraparound Cover by Eric Basaldua and Nei Ruffino for $5.99, a Grimm United Cover by Arthur Suydam for $5.99, a Dream Eater Revealed Cover by Sean Chen and Jason Embury for $5.99 and a Secret RIP Retailer Exclusive Cover by Tommy Patterson and Nei Ruffino for $9.99. Who's the secret character on the cover? That will be revealed once the first issue ships later this year. Suffice it to say that it probably isn't good to be on the cover, considering it seems that will be the Dream Eater's first target.
Check some of the other covers after the jump.
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