The Boys Concluding With #72
Every pilgrim reaches the end of his (or her) journey. For The Boys, it just so happens to be issue #72 in November.
"Seventy-two issues plus three minis adds up to ninety issues, making this a very busy six years - more than six years, of course, because we very nearly didn't make it," says writer Garth Ennis. "But all's well that ends well. I finished #72 well over a year before it's due to see print, and I've been missing Butcher and Hughie ever since. Goodbye, Boys. I doubt we'll see your like again."
In The Boys #72, the long day closes on the Brooklyn Bridge, as a hero finally meets his destiny. There's one last deal to be done, as Stillwell finds out the real cost of doing business, and one last surprise for Rayner too as she begins her long-dreamed of political career. The Boys' story comes to an end in this final issue containing 24 pages of story, 5 pin-up pages of brand-new art as well as a complete cover gallery.
"The end of The Boys with this issue ends a chapter in my career I will always look back upon as a significant challenge," adds artist Darick Robertson. "I am proud of the work I've done on the book and will miss it."
"Endings are always bittersweet, but this book has always been just that, bittersweet," says Dynamite Editor Joe Rybandt. "There's not much left to say except thanks to Garth, Darick, Russ, Tony and Simon for all of their incredible work month in and month out. Cheers, all."
Full press release below.
"Seventy-two issues plus three minis adds up to ninety issues, making this a very busy six years - more than six years, of course, because we very nearly didn't make it," says writer Garth Ennis. "But all's well that ends well. I finished #72 well over a year before it's due to see print, and I've been missing Butcher and Hughie ever since. Goodbye, Boys. I doubt we'll see your like again."
In The Boys #72, the long day closes on the Brooklyn Bridge, as a hero finally meets his destiny. There's one last deal to be done, as Stillwell finds out the real cost of doing business, and one last surprise for Rayner too as she begins her long-dreamed of political career. The Boys' story comes to an end in this final issue containing 24 pages of story, 5 pin-up pages of brand-new art as well as a complete cover gallery.
"The end of The Boys with this issue ends a chapter in my career I will always look back upon as a significant challenge," adds artist Darick Robertson. "I am proud of the work I've done on the book and will miss it."
"Endings are always bittersweet, but this book has always been just that, bittersweet," says Dynamite Editor Joe Rybandt. "There's not much left to say except thanks to Garth, Darick, Russ, Tony and Simon for all of their incredible work month in and month out. Cheers, all."
Full press release below.
August 16, 2012, Mt. Laurel, NJ - It's an end of an era this coming November, as The Boys conclude their historic run with issue #72! The Boys has been one of the most critically acclaimed books on the shelves, but writer Garth Ennis always intended for the series to be finite and issue #72 is his final statement on The Boys! Look for it this November!!!
In The Boys #72, the long day closes on the Brooklyn Bridge, as our hero finally meets his destiny. There's one last deal to be done, As Stillwell finds out the real cost of doing business, and one last surprise for Rayner too- as she begins her long-dreamed of political career. The Boys' story comes to an end in this final issue containing 24 pages of story, 5 pin-up pages of brand-new art as well as a complete cover gallery!!!
"Seventy-two issues plus three minis adds up to ninety issues, making this a very busy six years - more than six years, of course, because we very nearly didn't make it," says writer Garth Ennis. "But all's well that ends well. I finished #72 well over a year before it's due to see print, and I've been missing Butcher and Hughie ever since. Goodbye, Boys. I doubt we'll see your like again."
"The end of The Boys with this issue ends a chapter in my career I will always look back upon as a significant challenge," adds artist Darick Robertson. "I am proud of the work I've done on the book and will miss it."
"Endings are always bittersweet, but this book has always been just that, bittersweet," says Dynamite Editor Joe Rybandt. "There's not much left to say except thanks to Garth, Darick, Russ, Tony and Simon for all of their incredible work month in and month out. Cheers, all."
"The Boys will be missed. The good news is it's a great ending with a complete story, and is going out on top," states Dynamite President and Publisher Nick Barrucci. "Garth and Darick created the series with characters and stories that can never be replicated. I want to thank Garth and Darick for their faith in us, and look forward to future series with both creators. This is a series whose legacy will live on as trade paperbacks. I also want to thank DC Entertainment, especially Paul (Levitz), Jim (Lee), Dan (DiDio) and Hank (Kanalz), and many more - who helped make the transition as smooth as possible and allowed fans to continue to enjoy one of the best comics in the market. And, most importantly, thank you to the fans and the retailers who supported the series throughout. The Boys has been a fun ride."
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About Dynamite Entertainment:
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling comic book titles and properties, including The Boys, The Shadow, Vampirella, Warlord of Mars, Bionic Man, Game of Thrones and more!
Dynamite owns and controls an extensive library with over 3,000 characters (which includes the Harris Comics and Chaos Comics properties), such as Vampirella, Pantha, Evil Ernie, Smiley the Pychotic Button, Chastity, Purgatori, and Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt.
In addition to their critically-acclaimed titles and best selling comics, Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics and entertainment, including Kevin Smith, Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Garth Ennis, Jae Lee, Marc Guggenheim, Mike Carey, Jim Krueger, Greg Pak, Brett Matthews, Matt Wagner and a host of up and coming new talent!
DYNAMITE is consistently ranked in the upper tiers of comic book publishers and several of their titles - including Alex Ross and Jim Krueger's PROJECT SUPERPOWERS - have debuted in the Top Ten lists produced by Diamond Comics Distributors. In 2005 Diamond awarded the company a GEM award for Best New Publisher and another GEM in 2006 for Comics Publisher of the Year (under 5%) and again in 2011. The company has also been nominated for and won several industry awards, including the prestigious Harvey and Eisner Awards.
In The Boys #72, the long day closes on the Brooklyn Bridge, as our hero finally meets his destiny. There's one last deal to be done, As Stillwell finds out the real cost of doing business, and one last surprise for Rayner too- as she begins her long-dreamed of political career. The Boys' story comes to an end in this final issue containing 24 pages of story, 5 pin-up pages of brand-new art as well as a complete cover gallery!!!
"Seventy-two issues plus three minis adds up to ninety issues, making this a very busy six years - more than six years, of course, because we very nearly didn't make it," says writer Garth Ennis. "But all's well that ends well. I finished #72 well over a year before it's due to see print, and I've been missing Butcher and Hughie ever since. Goodbye, Boys. I doubt we'll see your like again."
"The end of The Boys with this issue ends a chapter in my career I will always look back upon as a significant challenge," adds artist Darick Robertson. "I am proud of the work I've done on the book and will miss it."
"Endings are always bittersweet, but this book has always been just that, bittersweet," says Dynamite Editor Joe Rybandt. "There's not much left to say except thanks to Garth, Darick, Russ, Tony and Simon for all of their incredible work month in and month out. Cheers, all."
"The Boys will be missed. The good news is it's a great ending with a complete story, and is going out on top," states Dynamite President and Publisher Nick Barrucci. "Garth and Darick created the series with characters and stories that can never be replicated. I want to thank Garth and Darick for their faith in us, and look forward to future series with both creators. This is a series whose legacy will live on as trade paperbacks. I also want to thank DC Entertainment, especially Paul (Levitz), Jim (Lee), Dan (DiDio) and Hank (Kanalz), and many more - who helped make the transition as smooth as possible and allowed fans to continue to enjoy one of the best comics in the market. And, most importantly, thank you to the fans and the retailers who supported the series throughout. The Boys has been a fun ride."
Join the conversation on Dynamite Entertainment's twitter page at
To find a comic shop near you, call 1-888-comicbook or visit
For art and more information, please visit:
About Dynamite Entertainment:
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling comic book titles and properties, including The Boys, The Shadow, Vampirella, Warlord of Mars, Bionic Man, Game of Thrones and more!
Dynamite owns and controls an extensive library with over 3,000 characters (which includes the Harris Comics and Chaos Comics properties), such as Vampirella, Pantha, Evil Ernie, Smiley the Pychotic Button, Chastity, Purgatori, and Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt.
In addition to their critically-acclaimed titles and best selling comics, Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics and entertainment, including Kevin Smith, Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Garth Ennis, Jae Lee, Marc Guggenheim, Mike Carey, Jim Krueger, Greg Pak, Brett Matthews, Matt Wagner and a host of up and coming new talent!
DYNAMITE is consistently ranked in the upper tiers of comic book publishers and several of their titles - including Alex Ross and Jim Krueger's PROJECT SUPERPOWERS - have debuted in the Top Ten lists produced by Diamond Comics Distributors. In 2005 Diamond awarded the company a GEM award for Best New Publisher and another GEM in 2006 for Comics Publisher of the Year (under 5%) and again in 2011. The company has also been nominated for and won several industry awards, including the prestigious Harvey and Eisner Awards.
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