Azure Multimedia and Supercast Network Team Up for Baltimore Comic-Con
Azure Multimedia Inc. and the Supercast Network will be teaming up to present at this year's Baltimore Comic-Con. Azure Multimedia is the publisher of such indie titles as Ninjas vs., The Acolyte Chronicles and Storm Rider. The Supercast Network produces such Internet podcasts as Nerd vs. Nerd, DrewTV and Concessions. Together, they will be joining forces at Booth 1612 to challenge the Klingons for interstellar domination. Or just provide unique experiences and products for the 2012 Baltimore Comic-Con.
Azure Multimedia will be offering a Baltimore Comic-Con exclusive in Acolyte Chronicles #2 - "Join the Militia Edition". The book will be limited to 500 copies and will be sitting alongside a special, eight-page Azure Previews book, showcasing titles from the company.
What's more is that writer/publisher Thomas Chillemi, inker Rich Seetoo and Art Director Bruce Dwayne will be on-hand at the Azure Multimedia booth to sign your favorite issues.
Further, Thomas Chillemi and Drew Crowder will be broadcasting Nerd vs. Nerd live from the show. They'll be giving away t-shirts, comics, posters and more. There will even be a live trivia contest from the show.
Full press release below.
Acolyte Chronicles #2 - "Join the Militia Edition" - A Baltimore Comic-Con Exclusive! Azure Multimedia will be selling copies of the brand-new, never-before-seen Acolyte Chronicles #2, with a cover exclusive to the Baltimore Comic-Con. This book is strictly limited to only 500 copies, so don't wait!
This year's confirmed guests for the show including: Guest of Honor, Stan "The Man" Lee (Saturday only!); Neal Adams (First X-Men, Baman: Odyssey); Jason Adams (Sculptor); Josh Adams (Doctor Who, Sherlock); Dave Aikins (SpongeBob and Dora the Explorer children's books illustrator); Ken Bald (Golden Age Timely/Marvel Artist); Marty Baumann (Pixar artist); Brian Bolland (Dial H, Cover Story: The DC Comics Art of Brian Bolland); Tom Brevoort (Avengers); Reilly Brown (Strange Tales Presents Bob, Agent of Hydra: Old Bones); Harold Buchholz (Archie Comics); Mark Buckingham (Fables, Doctor Who); Jim Calafiore (Secret Six); Frank Cammuso (Knights of the Lunch Table, Otto's Orange Day); Greg Capullo (Batman, Spawn); Richard Case (Artist Alley Comics, Doom Patrol); Tommy Castillo (Grimm Fairy Tales); Bernard Chang (DC Comics Presents, War of the Green Lanterns); Jo Chen (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight - Saturday only!); Sean Chen (Steel, Avengers Academy, Voltron); Jim Cheung (Avengers vs. X-Men, AVX VS., Spider-Men); Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman); Frank Cho (Avengers vs. X-Men, Liberty Meadows); Mike Choi (Fantastic Four, Demon Knights, Captain Atom); Steve Conley (Bloop webcomic; Geof Darrow (Shaolin Cowboy); Lar deSouza (Looking For Group, Least I Could Do); Todd Dezago (Perhapanauts); Dan Didio (O.M.A.C.); Eryk Donovan (SEQAPUNCH anthology, 'Ringo Scholarship Recipient); Joe Eisma (Morning Glories); Garth Ennis (The Shadow, Hellblazer, Preacher, The Boys); Rich Faber (Roboy Red); Ray Fawkes (One Soul); Joshua Hale Fialkov (I, Vampire, Echoes, Last of the Greats); David Finch (Batman: The Dark Knight); Anthony Fleecs (In My Lifetime); Francesco Francavilla (The Black Beetle, Swamp Thing, Captain America and Black Widow); Franco (Tiny Titans, Superman Family Adventures); John Gallagher (Buzzboy); SL Gallant (G.I. Joe); Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman); Bryan J.L. Glass (Mice Templar); Mike Gold (Editor, DC Comics, Co-Founder and Editor First Comics); Jimmy Gownley (Amelia Rules!); Dan Green (Amazing Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Legion of Super-Heroes); Randy Green (Artist Alley Comics, Witchblade); Brad Guigar (Evil Inc.); Gene Ha (Justice League); Larry Hama (G.I. Joe, Wolverine, The 'Nam); Cully Hamner (Action Comics); Scott Hanna (Green Lantern Corps); Dean Haspiel (Billy Dogma, ACT-I-VATE, Trip City); Marc Hempel (Sandman, Gregory, Blood of the Innocent); Eric Henson (Perhapanauts : Danger Down Under); Greg Horn (Max Payne, Avengers DK, Avengers Academy); Jason Horn (Ninjasaur); Jamal Igle (KISS, Supergirl, The Ray); Joe Infurnari (Mush! Sled Dogs with Issues); Chris Ivy (Hero Comics, Army of Darkness); J.G. Jones (Wanted, Doc Savage); Justin Jordan (Shadowman), Chris Kemple (Artist Alley Comics, Negative Burn); Denis Kitchen (Kitchen Sink Press); Barry Kitson (Captain America, Iron Man, Fantastic Four); Seth Kushner (Trip City); Roger Langridge (Snarked, Popeye, The Muppets, Thor the Mighty Avenger); Greg LaRocque (Web of Spider-Man, The Avengers, Legion of Super Heroes); Erik Larsen (Savage Dragon); Janet Lee (Return of the Dapper Men); Norman Lee (Uncanny X-Men, New Mutants, Wolverine and the X-Men); Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Justice League Dark, Animal Man, Essex County); Paul Levitz (DC Comics, Legion of Super Heroes); Joe Linsner (Dawn); David Mack (Kabuki); Kevin Maguire (World's Finest); Mark Mariano (Happyloo); Ron Marz (Artifacts, Voodoo); Bob McLeod (DC Comics Presents: Wonder Woman); Carla Speed McNeil (Finder); Pop Mhan (Gears of War, Blank, Ender's Game); Mark Morales (Avengers vs. X-Men); Dave Nestler (Salem's Daughter: The Haunting, Grimm Fairy Tales); Jamar Nicholas (Leon: Protector of the Playground); Cary Nord (X-O Manowar, Conan); Dan Parent (Archie, Veronica, Kevin Keller); Dan Parsons (Star Wars artist); Andrew Pepoy (Fables, The Simpsons, Simone & Ajax); David Petersen (Mouse Guard); Brandon Peterson (Uncanny X-Men, Ultimates Comics Ultimates); Khoi Pham (X-Men); Paul Pope (THB, Adventure Time); Eric Powell (The Goon); Brian Pulido (Lady Death); Frank Quitely (All Star Superman, Batman & Robin); Mike Raicht (Stuff of Legend, Infestation: G.I. Joe, Dark Shadows); Tom Raney (Suicide Squad, Incredible Hulk, Avengers Academy); Joe Rivera (Daredevil); Paolo Rivera (Daredevil); John Romita, Jr. (Avengers Vs. X-Men); Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge); Craig Rousseau (Perhapanauts, Marvel Super-Heroes); Joe Rubinstein (Agent Marc Sanders, Green Hornet Golden Age Remastered); Andy Runton (Owly); Christophe Ryder (Dames in the Atomic Age); Scott Christian Sava (The Dreamland Chronicles); Stuart Sayger (Infestation 2: 30 Days of Night One-Shot); Matteo Scalera (Secret Avengers, Irredeemable, Valen the Outcast, Wolverine & the X-Men); Louise Simonson (Rocketeer Adventures, Power Pack); Walter Simonson (Thor, Legion of Super-Heroes, Avengers); Matthew Dow Smith (BlackburnBurrow, Doctor Who); Scott Snyder (Batman, Severed, Swamp Thing); John K. Snyder III (Zorro Rides Again); Nicky Soh (LIQUID CITY, 'Ringo Scholarship Recipient); Ryan Sohmer (Looking For Group, Least I Could Do); Mark Sparacio (Liberty Girl, Omega Paradox, Jonah Hex); Chris Sparks (Team Cul de Sac); Jim Starlin (Infinity Gauntlet, Dreadstar, Captain Marvel); Brian Stelfreeze (ICE); Roger Stern (Hulk Smash Avengers, The Captain America Corps); Paul Storrie (Twisted Journeys, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle); Karl Story (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9); Robert Tinnell (Flesh & Blood, EZ Street, Wicked West); Peter Tomasi (Batman and Robin); Herb Trimpe (G.I. Joe, Wolverine); Tim Truman (Hawken, Grimjack); Billy Tucci (A Child Is Born, Shi); Fred Van Lente (Archer & Armstrong), Robert Venditti (X-O Manowar, Surrogates); Neil Vokes (Flesh And Blood, The Dark Forest); Dave Wachter (Night of 1000 Wolves); Matt Wagner (Tower Chronicles, Mage, Grendel); Mark Waid (Daredevil, Incorruptible, Irredeemable); Matt Webb (Flesh and Blood, John Byrne's Next Men, Zombie Tales); Mark Wheatley (Frankenstein Mobster, Fables, Blood of the Innocent); Matt Wieringo ('Ringo Scholarship Fund); Rich Woodall (Artist Alley Comics, Johnny Raygun); Bernie Wrightson (Frankenstein); Kelly Yates (Dr. Who: A Fairytale Life, Amber Atoms); Thom Zahler (Love and Capes); Chrissie Zullo (Cinderella, Fables).
Azure Multimedia will be offering a Baltimore Comic-Con exclusive in Acolyte Chronicles #2 - "Join the Militia Edition". The book will be limited to 500 copies and will be sitting alongside a special, eight-page Azure Previews book, showcasing titles from the company.
What's more is that writer/publisher Thomas Chillemi, inker Rich Seetoo and Art Director Bruce Dwayne will be on-hand at the Azure Multimedia booth to sign your favorite issues.
Further, Thomas Chillemi and Drew Crowder will be broadcasting Nerd vs. Nerd live from the show. They'll be giving away t-shirts, comics, posters and more. There will even be a live trivia contest from the show.
Full press release below.
Azure Multimedia and Supercast Network Team Up for Baltimore Comic-Con
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - September 4, 2012 - Azure Multimedia Inc. and the Supercast Network will be teaming up to present at this year's Baltimore Comic-Con. Azure Multimedia is the publisher of such indie favorite titles as Ninjas vs., The Acolyte Chronicles, and Storm Rider. The Supercast Network produces such Internet podcasts as Nerd vs. Nerd, DrewTV, and Concessions. Together, they will be joining forces at Booth 1612 to provide unique experiences and products for the 2012 Baltimore Comic-Con.
Special 8-Page "Azure Previews"! Azure Multimedia will also be giving away copies of a special 8-page preview book, showcasing all the titles from the company.
Creator Signings! - Writer/Publisher Thomas Chillemi, Inker Rich Seetoo, and Art Director Bruce Dwayne will be on-hand at the Azure Multimedia booth to sign your favorite issues.
Thomas Chillemi - President, Writer
Beginning with Avengers and Spider-Man, Thomas Chillemi has been an avid collector of comics since the age of 9. He formed Azure Press at the age of 17, and his first published book was carried and spotlighted by Diamond Comics. In addition to running the company, he currently writes Ninjas vs., The Acolyte Chronicles, and Storm Rider.
Rich Seeto - Inker
Rich Seetoo started collecting comics at age 7. Inspired by his favorite artists (Perez, Byrne, Simonson, Austin, Kubert, etc.), Rich attended the Kubert School when it was just a decade old. Breaking into the industry as a letterer for Pioneer Comics, Rich began to get inking assignments for Crusade Comics (Thundergod), Dagger Comics (Mavericks, The Shock), and Blackout Comics (Death of Hari Kari). This trail of work eventually led to the Azure Press. Rich inked and lettered the original Acolyte Chronicles and Storm Rider. Rich's latest work has been inking Ninjas vs. Zombies starting with issue #6. Rich's dream job would be to ink George Perez.
Bruce Dwayne - Art Director, Letterer
After drawing in margins of homework assignments in school, Bruce Dwayne finally drew for his work as a student of the Kubert School. His artistic expressions span from graphic arts, photography, digital manipulations, & fight choreography. His drawing style is influenced by martial art & anime movements mixed with noir & spiritual themes. His first published work was the self owned Captain Liberty & Flame in the Champion newspaper for Liberty University. Other works include movie storyboards, company logo designs, and shirt and tattoo designs. Bruce's current works include editing and lettering for Azure Press and self-published webcomics, the martial art Cloud Eagle and survival humor D.E.A.D. Beat.
Beginning with Avengers and Spider-Man, Thomas Chillemi has been an avid collector of comics since the age of 9. He formed Azure Press at the age of 17, and his first published book was carried and spotlighted by Diamond Comics. In addition to running the company, he currently writes Ninjas vs., The Acolyte Chronicles, and Storm Rider.
Rich Seeto - Inker
Rich Seetoo started collecting comics at age 7. Inspired by his favorite artists (Perez, Byrne, Simonson, Austin, Kubert, etc.), Rich attended the Kubert School when it was just a decade old. Breaking into the industry as a letterer for Pioneer Comics, Rich began to get inking assignments for Crusade Comics (Thundergod), Dagger Comics (Mavericks, The Shock), and Blackout Comics (Death of Hari Kari). This trail of work eventually led to the Azure Press. Rich inked and lettered the original Acolyte Chronicles and Storm Rider. Rich's latest work has been inking Ninjas vs. Zombies starting with issue #6. Rich's dream job would be to ink George Perez.
Bruce Dwayne - Art Director, Letterer
After drawing in margins of homework assignments in school, Bruce Dwayne finally drew for his work as a student of the Kubert School. His artistic expressions span from graphic arts, photography, digital manipulations, & fight choreography. His drawing style is influenced by martial art & anime movements mixed with noir & spiritual themes. His first published work was the self owned Captain Liberty & Flame in the Champion newspaper for Liberty University. Other works include movie storyboards, company logo designs, and shirt and tattoo designs. Bruce's current works include editing and lettering for Azure Press and self-published webcomics, the martial art Cloud Eagle and survival humor D.E.A.D. Beat.
Nerd vs Nerd Broadcasting Live! Thomas Chillemi and Drew Crowder will be broadcasting their Nerd vs. Nerd podcast LIVE from the Baltimore Comic-Con. They will be giving away t-shirts, comics, posters, and more! There will even be a live trivia contest from the show!
Drew Crowder
Executive producer and founder of The Supercast Network, Drew has been in film finance for nearly a decade. He is also a lifelong nerd; everything went downhill after he went to computer camp at age 10. He's an X-Men guy, yet frequently dressed up as Iron Man for events -- a true enigma. Drew is a VC with ventures that traverse multiple industries, but like a clove of garlic, he also vanquishes demons. Say hello to Drew.
Executive producer and founder of The Supercast Network, Drew has been in film finance for nearly a decade. He is also a lifelong nerd; everything went downhill after he went to computer camp at age 10. He's an X-Men guy, yet frequently dressed up as Iron Man for events -- a true enigma. Drew is a VC with ventures that traverse multiple industries, but like a clove of garlic, he also vanquishes demons. Say hello to Drew.
For more about Azure Multimedia or the Supercast Network, please visit their websites:
Azure Multimedia:
Supercast Network:
Azure Multimedia:
Supercast Network:
Tickets are now available for VIP GOLD, VIP, and General Admission at the Baltimore Comic-Con!
Tickets are now available for VIP GOLD, VIP, and General Admission at the Baltimore Comic-Con!
Buy your convention tickets now and save time at the show! -
For Harvey Award Tickets -
For Harvey Award Tickets -
In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found on our website, Twitter, and Facebook pages.
This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held September 8-9, 2012. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, September 8th.
Please take a moment to help us spread this message using the social media links embedded, reposting, or retweeting!
Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications for inquiries about submitted registrations - for the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 13th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held September 8-9, 2012. For more information, please visit
About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 7 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 7 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
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