Review - Godstorm #2

With great power comes the ability to control lightning. Not quite the great responsibility you were expecting huh? Jules has both though and his world continues to be changed in Godstorm #2 from Zenescope.

The issue is written by Pat Shand, with art by Jason Johnson, colors by Ben Sawyer and letters by Jim Campbell.

Jules and Tony were a match made in BFF heaven. The two grew up together and took care of each other. That is, until Tony started to get a little full of himself and counted on his status more and more in attempt to keep Jules in line. The fact that Jules is a hulking beast of a man somehow escaped Tony's perception.

The lightning bolt thing Tony ignored, seeing it as a sign of weakness in Julian. Tony wanted nothing more than to simply exploit Jules for his muscle and growing reputation as a man who could more than handle himself. When a beautiful call girl convinces Julian that he's so much more though, Tony finds that things don't always go his way.

Shand's second entry in the miniseries spends more time looking at the troubling relationship between Tony and Jules. Tony has become a power player in the gangster industry, primarily on the back of Julian's muscle. Like most who attain such power, Tony feels somewhat invincible himself, slapping Jules around like it's nothing. It's that dynamic that's really laid the groundwork for Julian to learn about himself.

While Jules doesn't have it all figured out just yet, he does know he can shoot lightning from his hands. He also knows that he can succumb to the words of a beautiful lady, who offers him a chance to be even more powerful than he currently is. Zeus is in the background as well, but all three characters promise to be privy to and involved in some rather outlandish fight scenarios for sure.

Johnson doesn't really get much chance to play with gods in this issue, save for a brief appearance by Zeus. It's obvious that Julian has some god in him, but other than that, the scenarios are fairly mobsterish in nature...nothing too crazy. Julian is illustrated with blocky lines for definition, which sort of give him a cel-shaded look in some panels.

Godstorm #2 is a strong follow-up to the first issue. How Julian responds to not really being an enforcer anymore should be interesting to see. What's more, once he gets a better handle on his capabilities, things could get even more interesting. For now, you'll just have to be satisfied with more bodies burned to a crisp.

Godstorm #2 is in stores now.
