Review - Robyn Hood #2

What's a feisty young lady with an ability to fight to do when thrust into a brand new and unfamiliar world? Do what comes natural of course. For Robyn in Robyn Hood #2 from Zenescope, what comes natural is wrecking shop.

The issue is written by Pat Shand, with pencils by Larry Watts, colors by Andrew Elder and letters by Jim Campbell.

The Kingdom of Bree is being terrorized by King John, an absent king with a penchant for sending knights out to do his dirty work. That work includes attempting to arrest Robyn, a stranger in the kingdom who's been accused of making threats against the king. Considering the type of lady Robyn is, needless to say she doesn't go quietly into the night.

Robyn encounters a mysterious woman who helps Robyn better understand her current predicament. Even though she offers her a unique relationship with her bow, it doesn't take long for Robyn to realize that Bree is much like her world. That is, there are stil men who feel they can take advantage of women for whatever reason, something that doesn't sit too well with Robyn.

Shand maintains the momentum from the first issue, ensuring that Robyn continues to be a strong-willed woman. She's a stranger in a new world and is struggling to make sense of it all, despite the constant flow of knights rushing her. The second issue continues to establish Robyn as a character who will be a thorn in the king's side, whether it be through her combat or general sense of do-goodery.

If there's one minor complaint about Robyn as a character, it's that she's almost too proficient at combat. The first issue featured her overwhelmed by some men, but in a similar situation in Bree, she instinctively handles combat situations. Her archery ability is slightly overshadowed by her hand-to-hand combat skills. Hopefully, her fighting balances out as the series progresses, making her bow more than just a jeweled weapon she carries around.

Watt's pencils are fairly simple, showing a heroine who is capable of handling herself. The lady in the water is effectively depicted as slightly supernatural, adding an element of magic to the book. Robyn herself is shown as rather plain for her world in a hoodie and jeans, but in Bree she's seen as exotic. It helps keep her as a foreigner in a sense.

Robyn Hood #2 is another solid issue in the mini-series. Robyn has a lot of emotional baggage she's dealing with, all stemming from her abusive father. It's this emotional past that drives her to be the person she is, fighting to help the helpless and taking care of herself. Robyn will only get deeper and deeper in the world of Bree, hopefully being able to manage herself.

Robyn Hood #2 is in stores now.
