Preview - Wrath of the Titans: Cyclops OGN

A cyclops only has one good eye to see things with. That makes reading comics kind of unfortunate, considering they don't get fully immersed in the two-page spreads. Humans are given two eyes for a reason and one of those reasons is to read about Cyclops. Cue Wrath of the Titans: Cyclops OGN from Blue Water Comics.

The title is written by C.W. Cooke and illustrated by Ramon Salas, pitting Greek gods and monsters against one another. Perseus is the star but Greek Myth will be discovered and explored as Perseus begins his mission against the monsters and his mission to gain the favor of the gods. This is the first in an all new series of stories aimed at everyone from ages 3 and up.

Interiors below and the book is in stores March 13.
