Review - Lazarus #2

"If you keep following me, I'm going to kill you."

Living in the world is hard enough without having to deal with food rations and wealthy families fighting amongst themselves. That's a world not necessarily worth living, but one that makes for great theater in Lazarus #2 from Image Comics.

The issue is written by Greg Rucka, illustrated and lettered by Michael Lark and colored by Santi Arcas.

Things are a little rough in the Carlyle family, with the patriarch ruling it with an iron fist and seeking to learn more about what the Morray family is planning. There's also a whole internal power struggle, with Beth, Stephen and Jonah at each other's throats before thinking about the family. There's a more in-depth look at the socially divided world the characters live in, with Lazarus struggling as much as others to find her place in it.

Rucka's got his foot on the gas and isn't letting up. While the second issue isn't nearly as action-packed as the first, it still keeps up the momentum and further explores the dystopian world presented. He infuses his characters with, well, character and gives them all something worth holding onto and following. They really drive the story and it's easy for the reader to get caught up in the power struggles and societal woes they're working around.

Lark's illustrations are the second half of the puzzle. Lark does a great job showcasing the high society the families live in and contrasting it with the utter despair the rest of the world lives in. There are a lot of dark tones that flood the panels and further embellish the sense of grittiness. A dystopian world story just doesn't work with an appropriate world for the characters to live in and Lark does a fantastic job of getting the sense of that despair across.

Lazarus #2 is a strong follow-up to the first issue, throwing readers into the world even further. While the families are squabbling with each other, there's an impending revolution brewing that will further complicate the already divided world. How those families deal within and outside is the most compelling piece of the story and really makes the characters the selling point of the story. Fans of good stories and great characters should be reading the book, as it deserves your attention.

Lazarus #2 is available now.
