Defense With The BoomStick
(Disclaimer: This post is an ongoing story set in a world where zombies have taken over and people are fighting to survive anyway they can. Originally it was a post of news and tips to help survivors make it one more day alive, but now it has became a story of my fight to survive and to keep on living.)
Year 6. Week 2.
It’s set in stone now; we're heading to Kansas City.
Oklahoma came up clean, so we set our sights on Kansas. We searched what we could, but mostly focused on Kansas City at te old outpost I was at. It looked like it was in pretty bad shape, although all the explosions and chaos after I left must have taken its toll. The silver lining of looking in that direction is that we found a better spot to set up an outpost at the old military base there in Fort Leavenworth. So we loaded up some forces in a convoy of about hundred strong fighters to secure it then get it up and running.
Right now we're a day or two out from the fort, since we spent time circling around north of it. We want to approach from that side as it will be safer for us and lessen the chance of zombie action since we won't be going through the outskirts of Kansas City. On top of that the spot of the fort we would want to take over is in the northeast section of the fort with a nice big wall and only two entrances that we can reinforce and make impossible to breach.
During this drive from Salt Lake City we didn’t come across zombies. Nothing too large we couldn’t handle and it was a great way to judge how well our forces work and fight together. This one fight allowed us a chance to change around the size of units to find what the exact number of people are needed in each small contained unit that allows us to maximize our effectiveness.
Seven seems to be the magic number in that it allows four facing forward, addressing the threat in front while the other three watch the sides and the rear. It also allows the ones watching the rear to switch out with anyone up front during reload periods that allows, if needed, a continuous firing line. Plus, all these fights with zombies is giving our fighters combat experience as some of them was lacking it. Right now we need everyone able to fire a weapon accurately and effectively. Trying out new tactics is what will help us stay ahead of the smart radioactive zombies and make sure they cannot ambush us again like Amarillo. In two days we're going to put a lot of these new tactics to use when we take over the fort and make it our own. I'm ready for a nap; it's been too long since last time I slept.
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