Review - Lady Demon #1

"My title is Lady Demon."

Chaos Comics hasn't been around for a while, but that hasn't stopped Dynamite from tapping into the reservoir and revitalizing many of the old favorites. The latest to get the revival treatment is Lady Demon #1. The issue is written by Aaron Gillespie, illustrated by Mirka Andolfo, colored by Gabriele Bagnoli-Mad5 and lettered by Marshall Dillon.

On the run from Lucifer's hit squad, Lady Demon rides a newly arrived soul back to earth. Little does she know, the soul is attached to Violet, a woman in the middle of a dark conspiracy. That suits Lady Demon just fine because it means she gets to kill a whole lot of people. And the first issue doesn't show the series will be shy about upping the body count when it comes to either lady getting what they want.

Lady Demon has been around for a while; in fact, she had a run with Chaos Comics way back in the day. This incarnation is very familiar to those who read that run, yet Gillespie does a great job of getting new readers up to speed as well. As far as first issues go, Lady Demon #1 is very straightforward: Violet's boyfriend and father are murdered by seemingly unsavory men, giving Lady Demon the vehicle she needs to hit Earth and escape Lucifer. The plot makes sense given the characters and Violet seems more than capable of handling her business--even without Lady Demon sharing her body. The dialogue reveals the tale as Violet learns the facts, which is something that affords the reader an even exposure to the story.

Andolfo offers a layered panel layout that keeps the action from feeling stale. The characters depicted in each panel are created with bold outlines, set against backdrops that are detailed enough. Lady Demon offers a pretty stereotypical female demon look, but Andolfo doesn't go too crazy in oversexing her. Still, there are a few gratuitous shots here and there that may feel a little exploitative. There is a fair amount of blood and gore throughout the book, but it's not so much that it's overwhelming or takes away from the experience; rather, it feels to be an appropriate amount. There's a fairly cartoonish or anime feel to the characters, with Violet's doe-eyed look an emphasis on her presumed innocence when contrasted with Lady Demon's guilt.

Lady Demon #1 is a reboot of an older series and Dynamite does it right. Lady Demon and Violet are two halves of a whole and both are seeking different things from their upcoming "adventures" together. Gillespie infuses the book with an appropriate amount of vengeance and anger, both of which explain the motives behind Violet and Lady Demon. Andolfo's illustrations also emphasize the violence without being overtly graphic and presents Lady Demon in a way that's easily recognizable to familiar readers. Lady Demon #1 is a straightforward first issue that offers a direction for Violet and Lady Demon without getting too bogged down in elaborate plots and schemes.

Lady Demon #1 is in stores December 10 with interiors below.
