Review - Atomic Fist Punch #1

"Skulls are tough and cool! You should know that."

Skynet's arrival will be heralded by a lot of death and "I told you so." What it won't bring with it are atomic fists made for punching. That is, unless Drew Maxwell has anything to say about it. And he does in Atomic Fist Punch #1, written and illustrated by Maxwell.

Xander and his big sister, Zoe, have a less than traditional sibling relationship. In fact, the two of them help Doctor Shaw and his robot, Volt as the battle giant robots and more. Fortunately, Xander and Zoe were able to create atomic power fists, giving Xander the Atomic Fist Punch attack.

Atomic Fist Punch #1 is a comic that trades in violence, even if it is characterized in a somewhat humorous way. Maxwell manages to deliver that humor very well, ensuring that the comic does appeal to all-ages. Xander and Zoe have a very dynamic relationship between the two of them, demonstrating the connection that comes with siblings. There's a pretty even pacing throughout the series as well, with each ten-page issue showcasing a very deliberate approach. Maxwell clearly has grander ambitions in mind and it's pretty clear that those ambitions will be realized as the series progresses.

Maxwell also illustrates the work and it's got a Coraline feel to it. Characters aren't quite as horror-infused, but there are some excessive elongations in their body types that reminds the reader of the material. Xander and Zoe share many characteristics that one would expect from brothers and sisters. The settings are pretty vague, but serve as excellent backdrops for allowing the characters to stand out even more. The color palette feels washed out at points, which further sets the tone for the content of the book.

Atomic Fist Punch #1 is a very fun and even reckless comic that doesn't take itself too seriously. The interplay between Xander and Zoe is very natural, giving the story a very exciting feel that's furthered by their encounters with giant robots. Maxwell's story knows where it wants to go and has fun with it. His illustrations are very fitting and all-ages, showing the violence in a very cartoonish way. Atomic Fist Punch #1 is pretty straightforward, but it manages to have fun in telling its story.

Atomic Fist Punch #1 is available now as a webcomic.
