Review - Grimm Fairy Tales Steampunk #1 (@Zenescope)
"I forever pledge my allegiance to her throne, her court, and the shine upon your head."
The issue is written by Pat Shand, illustrated by Annapaola Martello (layout assists by Daniele Cosentino), colored by Robby Bevard and lettered by Ghost Glyph Studios.
In an alternate Steam Punk reality, Robyn Hood, Alice Liddle, Cinderella, Van Helsing, Nathan Cross and many other of the most popular Grimm Universe characters live in a stunning but dangerous world unlike any you’ve seen before. When a group of outlaws led by the infamous Robyn Locksley pulls off a major heist, her and her crew are hunted down by Shang, the local Sheriff, a mysterious assassin and an extremely dangerous gangster who runs the town named Snow White.
Believe it or not, but Grimm Fairy Tales Steampunk #1 is attempting to make the universe feel even more fantastical than it already is. Shand has a good working knowledge of all of the characters involved, which makes his temporary takes on them feel even more adventurous. In fact, the entire issue unfolds in a way that effectively presents the new personas to the reader. This largely works because Shand's pacing is very patient and he doesn't rush to get anything established too soon. The issue bills itself as a steampunk take on the characters, but the overall atmosphere does feel a little lacking when it comes to setting that tone.
Despite each character being existing players, Maretllo offers a unique spin to each character's appearance that fits the special issue. The take on Snow White is probably the most haunting as she maintains a cadre of dysmorphic-looking dwarves that cater to her beck and call. There are more prevalent takes on the steampunk setting in characters such as Robyn, who Martello illustrates with something of a cyborg appearance and demeanor. Action carries pretty well from panel to panel and Martello follows along with the combat steadily. Bevard's colors are pretty straightforward and add a dire pall to the action.
Grimm Fairy Tales Steampunk #1 takes a set of familiar characters and relationships and mixes them up. It's a way to inject a breath of fresh air into a seemingly static universe. Shand's comfortable with writing the characters and that comfort even extends when he puts them in new situations. Martello illustrates the characters cleanly and bolsters the steampunk vibe. Grimm Fairy Tales Steampunk #1 is a take on familiar characters that fans of the Grimm Fairy Tales books will definitely want to check out.
Grimm Fairy Tales Steampunk #1 is in stores January 27.
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