Review - POM #1
Superheroes deal with everything. Not all of what they deal with involves epic battles in the streets as they typically also deal with personality struggles. When those two things collide as they do in POM #1 fireworks are bound to go off. The issue is written by Marcell Dupree, illustrated by Joel Cotejar, colored by Franco Reisco and Claudio Lucania and lettered by Brant Fowler.
Prepare for a new type of hero in Piece of Me. Britney is a socialite with great powers but doesn’t care about the responsibility. Until her family fortune is nearly gone. Now, she has to suit up to keep her lavish lifestyle. The concept behind PoM is now with social media and the 24-hour news cycle, heroes have to change an adapt. Those that don’t become entertainment for us civilians or platforms for politicians.
There's a lot to digest in POM #1 and Dupree isn't shy about layering characters atop other characters. The gist of the book seems pretty straightforward, but seeing how all the characters interact with one another is what is going to make the series really interesting. upree offers up characters who are steeped in the world of superheroes and there are expected issues that come with being superpowered. That's where the issue excecls the best as Dupree gives the characters dialogue that evidences a familiarity among one another. And the issue is paced in such a way that there's plenty of intrigue as it unfolds with a pace that steadily picks up as it nears the end.
Cotejar handles the artwork for the book and it's very much one that emphasizes the capes and tights aspect of things. Each of the characters has a superhero look that constantly reminds the reader of the stakes at play. The panels are presented to accompany the explosion of characters being thrown at the reader and Cotejar has a firm grip on how everything shakes out. Cotejar also does a great job of humanizing the characters as individuals who are also people outside of their abilities. The colors by Reisco and Lucania are bright and bold throughout as they accentuate the superhero costumes.
POM #1 is a solid first issue that's establishing itself very firmly. All of the players involved are coming at things from different angles and how those angles intersect will make for a fascinating story. Dupree knows exactly where he wants the story to go and demonstrates a command of that direction. The artwork by Cotejar is a great fit for the context of the story thanks to its bombastic approach. POM #1 has everything you'd want in a first issue and the promise for things to come.
POM #1 is available soon.
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