Review - Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1 (@lionforge)
"Is it possible for an entire world to suffer PTSD?"
The end of the world is inevitable to some and a wild guess to others. In Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1 from Lion Forge it's more of the former than the latter. The issue is written by Gail Simone, illustrated by José Luis, inked by Jonas Trinidade, colored by Michelle Madsen and lettered by Saida Temofonte.
DAY ONE: Lorena Payan was the first to realize a meteor was hurtling towards Earth two years ago. Now, she's the first to realize the Earth is in danger once more from something equally cosmic but far more sinister. As dubbed by a mystery figure, the Obsidian Men begin appearing silently all over the globe, and our heroes Noble, Summit, and Accell join together to investigate.
Simone has a certain cadence to her writing that's very distinguished and that's no exception in Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1. The issue sort of starts with a rather frenetic pace, emphasizing a world preparing to handle an interstellar conflict on the heels of working through a previous interstellar event. Simone deftly presents the players to the reader, offering very simple bios for them that provide the context necessary to understand what kind of role they'll likely play in the coming conflict. The narrative is paced very well and builds up to a heady climax, setting the stage for a series that will have a sense of foreboding hanging over it for its duration. And while each of the characters are clearly inspired by some better-known characters out there, Simone still manages to make them each feel somewhat unique in the grand scheme of things.
Luis does a very good job with the illustrations, drawing each character with a refined sensibility. The lines used to define them are barely there as Luis gives the characters enough of an outline that they're easily distinguishable from both one another and the settings. The growing fervor of the issue is accentuated by Luis' panel arrangement, relying primarily on stacking panels atop one another to keep up with the pacing. There's a particularly poignant page that boasts a staggered panel layout reflecting the emotion of losing someone and Luis nails it. Trinidade's inks add to the depth here (and throughout the issue) while Madsen's colors are very bold and present.
Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1 is a strong start to a series that hits all the right origin notes. The characters are forced to deal with a vast unknown and whether or not they're up to the task will be interesting to read. Simone's script is even-keeled yet emphatic in its presentation, cooly emphasizing the characters as an origin story without being bogged down by a forced awkwardness that comes with new characters. Luis' illustrations aptly capture the sentiment of the characters an afford the reader an intimate look at their burgeoning crisis. Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1 is off to a solid start for readers looking for a new property to check out.
Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1 is available now.
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